Figma Component
Data Display


Collapse component is a dynamic user interface element that allows users to show or hide content within a container.

What is Figma Collapse?

The Figma Collapse component is a dynamic user interface element that allows users to show or hide content within a container. It provides an interactive way to manage information and keep the interface organized by collapsing sections that are not immediately necessary. The Collapse component typically consists of a toggle button or icon that users can click to expand or collapse the content.

When to Use Collapse Component?

The Collapse component is useful in situations where you want to display content in a space-saving manner or when you need to hide secondary information to reduce visual clutter. It is commonly used in accordion-style menus, collapsible panels, and expandable sections, providing users with control over the content they want to interact with.

How to Design Collapse Component?

Designing the Collapse component involves creating a clear and visually distinguishable toggle button or icon that indicates its expandable and collapsible behavior. It's essential to provide clear labels or visual cues to inform users about the content that will be revealed upon expansion. Proper transitions and animations can also enhance the user experience.

How Collapse Component is Designed in Ant Design System for Figma?

In the Ant Design System for Figma, the Collapse component follows the Ant Design principles, ensuring consistency and usability. The Ant Design System provides guidelines for designing collapsible elements, emphasizing clarity and accessibility. By adhering to these guidelines, designers can create collapsible components that seamlessly integrate into the overall Ant Design System.

What is Ant Design System for Figma?

Ant Design System for Figma is a comprehensive design resource that incorporates the Ant Design principles and components into the Figma environment. It enables designers to work seamlessly with the Ant Design system directly within Figma, making the design process smoother and more efficient. By using the Ant Design System for Figma, designers gain access to a wide range of components, styles, and icons, including the popular Collapse component, all of which help maintain design consistency and accelerate the creation of high-quality user interfaces.

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