July 2, 2024

Ant Design Charts for Figma 2.0

Introducing new and updated Ant Design Charts for Figma 2.0!

We are excited to introduce our brand-new product, Ant Design Charts for Figma 2.0, featuring over 600 responsive charts. The new version is fully adapted to Figma's new functionalities, including variables and auto-layout, and is based on the latest version of Ant Design Charts 2.

Check out what's new:

  • Added color variables and removed color styles to align with the new version of Ant Design Charts 2
  • Added auto-layout, making charts easier to use and more flexible
  • Added more text styles
  • Added font family to variables.
  • Added documentation to explain how to use the charts
  • Redesigned base charts for easier use and added properties to enable customization of components such as headers, the number of columns or rows, and axis customization in Chart base
  • Added Chart base Circle and Pie Chart base, and changed Radar Chart base to hexagon
  • Removed Step Line Chart and redesigned the existing Line Chart
  • Added new variants to Column Charts and redesigned existing ones
  • Added new variants to Area Charts and removed Percent Stacked Area Chart
  • Added new variants to Bar Charts and redesigned existing ones
  • Added new variants to Pie Charts and redesigned existing ones
  • Redesigned Heatmap Chart variant and removed Matrix Charts
  • Added a new variant to Scatter Charts and redesigned existing ones
  • Added new variants to Radar Charts and redesigned existing ones
  • Added completely new groups of Charts:
    • Stock Charts
    • Waterfall Charts
    • Bidirectional Bar Charts
    • Dual Axes Charts
    • Funnel Charts
    • Histogram Charts
    • Tiny Charts
    • Box Charts
    • Bullet Charts
    • Venn Charts
    • Treemap Charts
    • Liquid Charts
    • Gauge Charts
    • Violin Charts
    • Radial Bar Charts

How to get the new updates?

After each update you will get an e-mail with the updated files. You can also get the new files via your LemonSqueezy account and through your email with the receipt.

Learn how
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