May 26, 2022

Ant Design System for Figma 2.3

I’ve updated most components with the new Figma features, added new Ant Design components from versions 4.18+, and minor bug fixes and improvements. What is more, the UI kit now supports the Figma Tokens plugin.

What’s new

  • added new Component Properties feature to the most of the components
  • redesigned most of the components to match the new Figma features
  • updated components with new Auto Layout features
  • added new component Segmented
  • added new component Spin
  • added new component Anchor
  • added new component Image
  • added new Layout: Fixed Header
  • added Figma Tokens plugin support - now you can use the plugin to change the theme of the UI kit with a few clicks - more details here
  • added new color styles to support the Figma Tokens plugin theme switch
  • Extra / white - the style is used in elements that need to stay white when changing the theme from Light to Dark
  • Extra / gray-11 - the style is used as a background color in all menus, popout menus, and modals
  • Extra / tooltip-bg - the style is used for Tooltip component background
  • Extra / segmented-bg - the style is used for the selected state of the Segmented item component
  • Extra / segmented-bg-group - the style is used for the background of the Segmented group component
  • added a new demo to the Figma Community

What’s changed

  • redesigned Form components to match the Ant Design docs
  • Form components are now easier to use and create Forms
  • added the new Stroke feature to the components that were using box-shadow properties
  • redesigned the Table components
  • redesigned Welcome page
  • most of the variant groups on the Main pages have now auto-layout applied
  • removed state labels from Main pages
  • added new Extra color styles to components to support theme switch

What’s fixed

  • minor bug fixes and improvements

How to get the new updates?

After each update you will get an e-mail with the updated files. You can also get the new files via your LemonSqueezy account and through your email with the receipt.

Learn how
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Stop wasting time on creating everything from scratch for every new project you start. Use pixel-perfect and handcrafted elements to design and implement your next Ant Design app efficiently.