December 14, 2022

Ant Design System for Figma 5.0

New Ant Design System for Figma is here! The UI kit has been redesigned to match the new Ant Design of React version 5.0. We’ve added new components, redesigned the structure of the tokens, and changed the versioning.

Version name

The new UI kit has the version name set to 5.0 to match to Ant Design versioning to avoid confusion. Some of our customers were confused that version 3.0 is based on version 4.23, so we’ve decided to keep the versioning name equal to the Ant Design of React. So the new version is Ant Design System for Figma 5.0 (instead of 3.1).

New components

  • new component Tour has been added
  • new component FloatButton has been added


  • the tokens' structure in the Figma Tokens plugin is updated to match the newly introduced in AntD 5.0 seed, map, and alias tokens.
  • added extra documentation pages regarding tokens to the Overview page
  • components are redesigned to match the new version’s components.
  • tokens properties such as border radii, colors, and paddings are changed to match the new version’s style
  • removed PageHeader component that is no longer available in AntD version 5.0
  • replaced BackTop component with FloatButton component
  • removed Comment component that is no longer available in AntD version 5.0
  • moved the Anchor component to the Navigation group
  • moved the Affix component to the Other group
  • added some improvements to the components
  • minor bug fixes


We are using Ant Design System for Figma 3.0 (or older). Can we easily switch from 3.0 to 5.0?

There is no easy way because the Tokens structure will be completely new due to the new changes in AntD 5.0 of React. The most recommended way is to stick to your version or start a new project based on v 5.0.

Will Figma Tokens Sync work with the new version?

Not yet. If you want to use Figma Tokens Sync, stick to Ant Design System for Figma 3.0, which is based on version 4.23 of Ant Design of React that is supported.

Ant Design changed the way the entire styling works by introducing css-in-js. We are working on a new script to support this. We will release the next version of Figma Tokens Sync in Q1 2023 to support version 5.0. Everyone who has the Figma Tokens Sync subscription active will receive the new version for free.

How to get the new updates?

After each update you will get an e-mail with the updated files. You can also get the new files via your LemonSqueezy account and through your email with the receipt.

Learn how
Get Ant Design System for Figma today

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Stop wasting time on creating everything from scratch for every new project you start. Use pixel-perfect and handcrafted elements to design and implement your next Ant Design app efficiently.