June 5, 2024

Ant Design System for Figma 5.18

We've updated and improved Ant Design System for Figma to match Ant Design 5.18

  • Button Component: Added Icon Start and Icon End properties
  • Carousel Component: Added Arrows property
  • Added new Outlined Icons: BaiduOutlined, BilibiliOutlined, BilibiliOutlined (duplicate), DiscordOutlined, DockerOutlined, DotNetOutlined, HarmonyOSOutlined, HolderOutlined, JavaOutlined, JavaScriptOutlined, KubernetesOutlined, LinuxOutlined, MergeOutlined, PinterestOutlined, PythonOutlined, RubyOutlined, SignatureOutlined, TikTokOutlined, TruckOutlined, TwitchOutlined, WechatWorkOutlined, XOutlined
  • Added new Filled Icons: BilibiliFilled, DiscordFilled, MergeFilled, MoonFilled, OpenAIFilled, PinterestFilled, ProductFilled, SignatureFilled, SpotifyFilled, SunFilled, TikTokFilled, TruckFilled, TwitchFilled, WechatWorkFilled, XFilled
  • Progress Component: Added a gradient variant
  • Tag Component: Added new social media icons
  • Popover Component: Added a Close link with a boolean property
  • Tooltip Component: Added Color variant
  • Added Typography properties to the Typography variables
  • Fixes:
    • Fixed box shadows in Notification, Modal, Message, Tour, Statistic, QRCode
    • Fixed icon size in buttons

Theme Buddy Plugin

  • We’ve updated the Theme Buddy plugin to support the latest versions of the Ant Design System for Figma (5.18) and AntBlocks UI (1.5).
  • A new option has been added to the Settings: “Show JSON with the entire token set.” This feature lets you display all variables in a JSON format for each mode, regardless of whether changes have been made to the variables.

How to get the new updates?

After each update you will get an e-mail with the updated files. You can also get the new files via your LemonSqueezy account and through your email with the receipt.

Learn how
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